Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The life of Brooklee..

(Starts her mornings watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse)

(She doesn't like the flash)

(Cheese ball)

(Ranch facial mask.. haha)


(Running for the playground.. She was so excited)

(eating a chocolate chip cookie yum)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

CheckUp Time!

So Brooklee had her 15 Month Check Up on Tues..

She was so good, she got 3 shots and was a total trooper.

She's 20 lbs 1 oz 11%
(She's just so itty bitty, I love it!)

30 Inches Long

So he said she's doing really good, she's a healthy lil' girl!

We don't need to go back til she's 2
So it will be crazy to see how much she'll grow from now to then.

 (first time eating a sugar cookie.. yum)

(gotta love that face)

Monday, August 1, 2011

Yellowstone 2011

So I am really sad posting this..

We just got back from our annual family trip to Yellowstone and I only have pictures of the last day :(  

Long story short..

Chad accidently lost our camera card that had our first 3 days of our trip.

We have lots of video of the whole trip but no pictures so I'm kinda sad about that.

But oh well what can ya do...

We had a lot of fun.. during the day (nights we another story haha)

I think Brooklee enjoyed her first year in Yellowstone and had so much fun playing with her cousins.

 (momma bear with her 2 cubs)

 (Old Faithful)

 (It was super windy)